Page name: fuck the labels [Logged in view] [RSS]
2005-02-22 23:58:30
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..............................FUCK-THE-LABELS CORP..............................








These are the things that I personally abhor so if you read these you might understand why I created this wiki page:
   -Walt Disney
   -Bashing individuality
   -Close-minded people
   -Religious people who don't appreciate others' opinions
   -Judgemental people


Due to a large amount of members I have moved the member section to Fuck the labels supporters. Feel free to join.

Other wikis that I ran:

Username (or number or email):


[2000HRS]: AGAIN? if another people call me evil one more time today.. i swear i'm gonna ripped someone's head off.. ahh.. not ur fault. Why people think I'm evil?

[Jeesum Crowe]: Oh, wow... I don't, I just call everything evil o.o o.O Like. Yeah, if I don't want to eat carrots I say carrots are evil. It's not that they're really evil.

[2000HRS]: so you don't want to eat me? lol just messing.

[Jeesum Crowe]: this is the most ironic end to a conversation I've had, maybe, ever.

[2000HRS]: Is that good or bad? ehh.. who cares? haha

[Jeesum Crowe]: I'm glad you said that because I have no idea, lol

[2000HRS]: neither do I.. haha. oh well...

[Jeesum Crowe]: I feel kind of awkward hanging out here now 'cause I'm not a member or anything...

[2000HRS]: it's aight... no one comes here anyways. Most people go to "crazy goths". haha.

[Jeesum Crowe]: Well, that's ironic. I don't usually go to either. I made a special exception to make a big case out of nothing that got nowhere.

[2000HRS]: Wow.. amazing.. *acts dumb* haha.

[Jeesum Crowe]: I know, feel honoured... *ahem*

[2000HRS]: i like joinin wiki pages of my fav. bands.. but like I don't feel like wanting to join "crazy goth".. it's just ahh.. labels... ok now.. don't start! haha

[Jeesum Crowe]: Seeeeeeeeee! Seeeeeee! ... that's all I have to say.

[2000HRS]: Sorry I can't see.. my visions are all blocked up.. haha.

[Jeesum Crowe]: Oh, then that explains a lot

[2000HRS]: That was a sacarstic... haha. why don't we message each other and leave some space for some people to argue with me? hehe

[Jeesum Crowe]: Ok! See you there.

[HOODLUM]: no comment

[Jeesum Crowe]: 'No comment' is a comment in itself.

[2000HRS]: haha.. true that.. why would you have put "no comment" if you have nothing to say?

[Jeesum Crowe]: They feel like being special and noticed, maybe.

[HOODLUM]: ye.. im dissapointed in u

[Jeesum Crowe]: Yay, a member of rockers united has now gathered with the best of them to be anti-label.

[2000HRS]: Isn't everyone dissapointed in me?

[Jeesum Crowe]: I'm still confused why the only two people in here who haven't labelled themselves are the creator and the person who doesn't agree... XD

[2000HRS]: haha.. lmao.. pretty much yeah..

[Jeesum Crowe]: Your newest member is self-described as 'sorta goth.' You know I love doing this, don't you?

[2000HRS]: lol yeah.. well i didn't make a password for this wiki page... which means everyone can join and I ain't gonna be an asshole saying "no, u can't join... you gotta read the rules blah blah" like that bitch owner of cradle of filth

[Jeesum Crowe]: Yeah, but it's still way too much fun going to the members pages and noting they label themselves. I have too much spare time.

[2000HRS]: lol.. yeah.

[Jeesum Crowe]: I'm also amused that you say 'hah' or 'lol' in messages in things to almost everything I say yet your mood says you just want to laugh again. That, my friend, is amusing.

[2000HRS]: i don't really "laugh" whenever i say those words.

[Jeesum Crowe]: Yeah, but you don't really say 'I just want to laugh again' when you type those words, either.

[2000HRS]: you're so hard to talk to.. just like one of my ex.. haha.

[Jeesum Crowe]: Oooh, burn. *cries*

[2000HRS]: oh?

[Jeesum Crowe]: lol, no. You can't phase me. I'm unphasable. Inphasable... unphas-- I can't be phased.

[2000HRS]: doesn't mean i was phasing you :D

[Jeesum Crowe]: Phase is just a cool word. Very sci-fi. Maybe. Heh. Look, I labelled a word. O.o *ahem* XD

[2000HRS]: team attack! :P lol jm. it was more of an adj. I don't really care when people say those stuffs.. but then i just like when people call people names like "freak, goth etc." it just seems stupid.

[Jeesum Crowe]: Oh, well. Anyway. So. And things.

[Jeesum Crowe]: Can't 'don't label me cause i'm a little of everything' be loosely translated to 'Don't label me one thing, because I'm a little bit of every label?' Which is a bit contradictory.

[2000HRS]: I'm so lost..

[Jeesum Crowe]: Hah! Woot.

[2000HRS]: I'm so lost..

[l3lack_Rose]: i hate lables theyre shit....its worng to lable ur self and or other ppl....lableing is just another way for ppl who are different thn u to make fun of u....

[2000HRS]: Ditto.

[Jeesum Crowe]: I'll agree when someone can spell their point correctly. (Er, I won't, but I found that amusing, anyway) I mean, no body ever began labels but the people. Punks created Punk and named it Punk.

[2000HRS]: ehh.. i'm 2 fuckedup for that shit.

[Jeesum Crowe]: lol!

[2000HRS]: I'm gonna go back to sleep again.

[Jeesum Crowe]: 'nighters

[2000HRS]: oh my god.. i woke up late 2day.. lol.. didn't go to school.. it's not DITCHING!

[Slade]: by labels do u mean goths, punks etc and the other various sub cultures?

[2000HRS]: Pretty much. Yes, there's some people who signed in with labeling themselves in their houses or just in their name. I don't want to be an asshole but I think they don't get the purpose of this wiki page.

[Slade]: yeah, didnt alot of labels come about through music, (punk goth etc). I am against those wannabe and poser labels, its just sort of telling people to how to behave. I'll join but only in protest of labels such as wannabe, is that ok? 

[2000HRS]: I think that's one of the reason why I made this wiki page :)

[Slade]: kool so I can join? 

[2000HRS]: Of course.

[Ishje]: me to?

[Supercharged In Denial]: Why do people label themselves? It just makes them look bad...that or people just glare at them mwaha O.o

[Slade]: Alot of labels such as punk and townies are used so people can relate to other peoples taste in music or clothes. Those who dont fit in are pretty much outcasts or individual which are also labels. hmm its pretty hard not to label people (for me). I just hate those labels that call people wannabes or poser-it seems so petty

[Supercharged In Denial]: Yea, I guess I can see where you're coming from...then again we're all who gives a shit?

[Jeesum Crowe]: It's easier to discern who you want to hang out with if they have a label. According to general concern even within labels pretty much everyone in that label acts a certain way. Not because anyone forces them to, not because by some divine right they must be, just because they are. And if you're looking for people who act like you you don't want to weed through them all individually, you can just pick the group you fit in, and maybe mingle with others. I think it's just an easier way to live.

[2000HRS]: Yeah.. if you believe in stereotyping. You never see a mexican guy dunking or an asian guy pimping all the hoes, except in the humor ways.

[Supercharged In Denial]: meh...but it's true, people tend to mingle in groups because maybe it's more comforting? I find my friends individually, someone I can actually get along with and has a good personality...and I don't really care what they are like or what they look like, as long as we get along, it's all good..

[Slade]: Hmmm I hang around with both people that could be classed as mosher and townies/preps (they call them selves that). I tend to get along better with the moshers since I have more things in common, though also get along well with most other people. Even though they’re 'labeled' they still have individual personalities. Looks do have an influence on peoples behavior towards other people, I just try hard not to judge someone until I get to know them. Stereotyping must have originated from somewhere, alot of townie/chav people are stereotyped beating goths up and "t'wockin cars". Not all of them do it, just most of them. I guess there’s good and bad of every social label, race etc. 

[2000HRS]: My best friends aren't so called goths or punks. They're just like you and me. It does not mean that I cannot hang out with them or feel comfortable around them. I hang out with everyone, actually. I believe that your appearance or the way you dress up isn't how the way you are inside.

[Jeesum Crowe]: Calling someone a goth or punk doesn't mean they can't be like you or me it just means they have a particular form of dress.

[Slade]: I just seem to have more in common with goths or whatever they are. Hmmm appearance might not be the way you are inside but it will still effect how most people see you, most people do make an effort to look some way or other.

[Jeesum Crowe]: Yeah, and I think people who make such an effort to look a certain way would feel out of place hanging out with a bunch of people who dress a certain other way.

[Slade]: depends on how much effort there taking really, though I guess your right

[2000HRS]: People only judge each others because they were trained to.

[Slade]: by who, the schools, eachother? just about everything in your life has some sort of impact on behavior etc.

[Jeesum Crowe]: We weren't trained to, that would be, like, schooling us in it. Someone going "No, no, you see soandso____" but that doesn't happen. We look at what we see in media and in real life and create our own little world where these people are cool and these people aren't.

[2000HRS]: Trained by parents and media... some. But I'd definately say parents.

[Slade]: hmm my parents didnt have that much of an effect on judging people. It was more of the people I hung around with through out secondary school. The media influences quite a bit and its usually pretty bias. Celebrities and all that decide whos cool and whos not.

[2000HRS]: Uh, yes. Parents do. I mean think about it... what if it'd be like WITHOUT your parents... I don't have a good example right now but such as "drinking is bad". Well if they didn't tell you what's bad or good... you wouldn't know what's bad or good, wouldn't you? They brainwash you. Just like how the media is brainwashing us. But it's worst since they're the ones who told you what to do or what to be on the first day of your life.

[Slade]: yes but if we wasnt ‘brainwashed’ then our heads would be empty. I wouldnt say my parents had an impact on how i see people. I have arguments with them all the time. Yes they did "brainwash" me to not smoke etc. Now im not sure, but I don’t think my parents strapped me to a chair and force thoughts into my head, or tell me what to think. The media doesnt brainwash you as such, it does let you make your mind up about stuff. Yes it just shows one side of a story but it doesnt force you to believe it. Thats why theres so many different types of magazines and newspapers, they all focus on something different.

[Slade]: Hmmmm my parents etc didnt really have any effect what I want to do later on in life. The bad and good stuff is effected mostly by parents, cause you learn alot of that early on in life.Though morality is developed over long periods by the environment you grow up with. I mean if everyone is selfish to you, its pretty likely you’ll grow selfish to other people too.

[2000HRS]: Not if you think by yourself. Medias don't brainwash you? Right. Media is the number one factor in the world that make people believe what government or dictators want you to believe. People, I'm not just saying about things that are in American. Plus, I don't think you can say something is bad unless you've tried it and know it by yourself.

[2000HRS]: Of course, you can believe whatever you want. I have no problem with that... in fact, I appreciate individual minds. But to clear the air; I did not establish this wiki-page to make people follow my beliefs. I just started this to gather people like me who do not like labels.

[Slade]: Thats not brainwashing thats called propaganda, its not forcing you to believe it. If it was you'd be beliving it and be completly oblivious to it. Though it is misleading. Hmmmm it is better to get both sides of something before saying its bad.

[My Chemical Erin]: "Everybody do the propaganda!" - Green day... Damn it! Sorry.... ^_^ Hi!

[2000HRS]: Alright. You call that propaganda? Well, you know why some communist countries don't change its form of government into democratic government? For one: media makes or shows ONLY bad sides of democratics. Of course, everything has bad to it. But just showing the bad thing and not the advantage of democracy or disadvantage of communism. Don't tell me that's propaganda. I was born in a communist country and raised there. I know every little thing that makes people hate democracy. I can go on and on about these stuffs. They make democracy as a some god-less form of belief and if you don't believe in what they say.. well you get shot. I believe in what I believe in for it's concrete.

[Slade]: I see propaganda/propagandists as when someone uses images and words to help a cause or goverment. Usually showing a bad side of their rivals and the good side of their cause. Hmmm there isnt that much freedom of speech, it does usually ends up with people getting beaten or shot. 

[2000HRS]: You wouldn't know all that unless you've lived in a communist country, period.

[Slade]: what about freedom of speech or propaganda?

[2000HRS]: There's no such thing is "freedom of speech" in those country. Just in America.

[My Chemical Erin]: Britian kinda has 'freedom of speech', not as america though...

[Slade]: Ive never been to america so I really wouldn't know. Britain does kinda have freedom of speech (or at least meant to) its just you can get arrested (or worse) for protesting.

[2000HRS]: Lol... America has "freedom of speech" but we also have racism and ALOT of close-minded people.

[Slade]: its suprising how many racisits I know. They know its wrong but they still say shit (only when theres no one around to hear of course -.-) We also have the British Nationalist Party which just seems really racist.

[My Chemical Erin]: Yeah... and the "National Front Disco" which I thinkis british too...I really need to brush up on my polltics

[2000HRS]: And you never see an asian person on TV WITHOUT being retarded or being so smart etc. I hate stereotypes. Grr..

[PorcelainMachete]: I have a question for you. Just straight up, why don't you like labels? They are a human necessity, and who cares if people label you or not. Just make sure you really are who you are, and then you don't have to worry about what other people think anyway.

[Jeesum Crowe]: See, someone's on my side.

[Supercharged In Denial]: I tell you what..I dont give a shit if people label me, as long as I know who i really am..their opinion don't mean jack..

[My Chemical Erin]: Some call me a 'punk'... It just gets boring after a while. And because I'm 'punky' (altough I don't think I am) people think that because I dress a certin way, then I have to act a certin way too and it sucks. I'm just dressing the way I want to but dose that mean that I can't listen to certin types of music?! fuck that shit. Sometimes I like 'pop' music and yes I think the members of GC are drop dead gorgous. Its the aragance of some people annoys me. The fact that they feel like they know you because you dress a certin way annoys me. But I've learned that thats the way the world is, I just have to accept it and I have.

[Slade]: Why should it matter to you if they call you a punk? isnt that like a problem with stereotypes instead of labels, like kornkid said? Kinda have to agree labels are a human necessity though... :/

[2000HRS]: Well I have a question for you, too. Are you another race other than white? Do you know discrimination? Stereotypes? I don't think you fully understand them unless you are different. Sure, white people can walk around saying "no racism" but you guys don't even know racism. All you know is someone calling you a white trash. They're human necessity? Yes, they are but there is a limit. I'm not trying to be aganist white because I really aren't. I've seem racism, I've tasted it all my life and I know how it is like to be hated/not given jobs oppourtunity for being "minority" just because you're another race other than white. Labels are the sames, it's way more dangerous than racism in some ways.

[Slade]: I am white, and anti racist. I just don't see the point in discriminating someone jsut because they have a different skin colour. Im not really ashamed to be white, nor am I proud, it's just a skin colour really and doesnt matter to me (just my opinion though). I guess every ones discriminated sometime, just some more than others-I'm kinda lucky cause people only discriminate me on clothing a prefrence (and thats more because of labels).

[2000HRS]: uhh.. atleast I know where you are from. Nobody knows where I'm from. It's sort of like an "alien" country or something. Heck, I'm proud to be different but sometimes I just couldn't face those jerks when I'm so much in pressure. But Billy Riot Girl, being hated is worse than grounded pride.

[Jeesum Crowe]: Listen, Racism is a far worse thing. Racism is when one believes their race is superior to others, and every race does it, it just matters to the degree. I am aware it's mainly Caucasians who are Racist publically, but throughout time most and many were not. Everyone saying that Caucasian is the racist race is also racism, you see? And racism also has nothing to do with labelling, in this case. Kornkid explained to me himself that he meant this page for labelling based off music. Labels are merely descriptions, and labelling is merely putting a description on a group of people, whether or not you tolerate them is a personal matter and the intolerance should never be generalized.

[Jeesum Crowe]: Also, the labels were brought upon by the people who began it. Punks began Punk to rebell against structure and the Queen. They would act in a reckless and anti-establishment form therefore purposely gaining themselves a reputation. It was their own fault that they gained a stereotype because they created it, same with most other labels. People who dress/act/listen to Punk should know that this was the original use for Punk and because of that there is a specific way of acting and thinking that goes along with the look. It's your choice to be Punk, and it was Punk that created the meaning for Punk. Don't go saying people don't tolerate you because you're Punk or...

[Jeesum Crowe]: ...anything because it was the founders of that sound or that look that created a mood around it that will be considered thusly forever. You should know that when you enter it and you should expect it. You don't have to conform to every aspect of it but you should expect it. It's your choice, so don't rag on people for believing what people who are what you are dressing as have taught the general population.

[Jeesum Crowe]: oh, koRnkid, changing your message? I remember the day: ' ahh.. I'm just just trying to say about labels in a music kinda shit...' and now today it's everything. How very consistent of you.

[2000HRS]: "Trust thyself"--Emerson. It explains my action and if you don't know who that is or what that is about... you're pathetic.

[Mythical Angel]: ya no labeling

[Slade]: So if labeling's a human necessity how can you stop it? I mean I guess you can avoid afew labels but not really all of them

[2000HRS]: I don't wish or hope to stop it for it's impossible. I just want to know people that it can be stopped if we'd like it to be.And this is all just parts of a voice and a voice can change many thing... eventually. By the way, something is better than nothing.

[Slade]: guess if you don't try to stop them then they'll never stop

[2000HRS]: I believe I'm trying to stop it, somehow.

[Tears Of Glass]: You are who you are. If your not then who are you?

[Jeesum Crowe]: Somebody else. (duh)

[2000HRS]: Were you asking me Crystal Dragon?

[Shining light]: may I ask something...? I agree with the rest of the tings in the list at the top, but what hadss Walt Disney got to do with racism?

[2000HRS]: Walt Disney created Stereotypes. All the "good" guys are strong, great-looking, charming, etc. and all the "bad" guys have bad appearance.

[Slade]: Most films have stereotypes, most books too. Wasn’t stereotypes around in the Victorian periods-gothic horror novels were full of stereotypes. I don't see how it is avoided though, I mean swap it around so the "bad" guys look good and the "good" guys look bad would just make another stereotype (since the ideas bound to be used again and again). Having them all look neutral would lack excitement and no one would be interested. It's fiction/comedy, people shouldn’t take it seriously. But I guess it does have influences on the young to a certain extent. I blame the media for alot of stereotyping, then again that just my opinion 

[CREDITS ROLLING.]: i agree with that i dont think it could be avoided and i dont think it will ever go

[ИллюзиИ]: I'm against labels and all, but I've noticed that a lot of people complain without stopping to wonder exactly what it is that bothers them. It may be an absurd question, but exactly what is it about labels that bother you? -- and is it really the label or the fact that some labels collect negative stigmas?

[Slade]: Labels divide up the society you get these stupid theories that if your a chav you cant associate with goths and likewise. Its the same with stereotypes really. I hate those poseur labels too, its like "shit your a poseur goth coz you like linkin park and there not rad anymore" or "your a poseur cuz you shop at hot topic, thats not rad either man" Same with punk-its like a group of social elites that decide whos in or whos out, like another incrowd. Its pretty good to see someone asking that question though I mean alot of people here contradict themselves in their user and bio.

[Jeesum Crowe]: the hunchback was the good guy. And so was Beast, but Gaston was ebil. And in Sleeping Beauty, the good fairies were uglier that Malificent.

[2000HRS]: But didn't Beast turned into a "hot guy" in the end and got married with a "beautiful" lady? Do you even think she will marry him if we just turned out to be just a damn beast? In my point of view, hell no. Yes, those characters look ugly just to make you pity them. And now we have liek Shrek and stuffs... guess why is it funny? Because it contradicts what they have been told. I do know that having them "look" different make you guess right away who the bad guy is and who the good guy is but wouldn't that be more exicting or challanging if we have to decide ourselves who the bad guy is? I mean, would you like your preference to be Walt Disney's or yours? Individuality, for me, is important.

[2000HRS]: Well, Hot topic. I always have to deal with this subject. Buying things from Hot Topic do not make you a fucking goth, punk, or any fucking thing. I mean go ahead wear those pants if you prefer but do not bash others if you don't like them. I, myself, like to buy some of the sweatbands and shirts from there. To be honest, Linkin Park is either a gothic nor a metal band. They play what they like, I like that. But I don't really like it since they mix with TOO MUCH rap, and I don't prefer rap. When it comes to music, I love KoRn. They're the band which have different "weird" music for all of their albums. They are not metals, they have admitted it.  

[2000HRS]: Why do I dislike labels so much? Well, we're all the same. We have all parts of bodies as others, despite the fact that some of us aren't "normal" but we're still human beings. We all have emotions. Being an emo is not fun and depression sucks. But we don't need to laugh at people who are in depression. Support them. Some of us might try to hide our feelings but face it, we all feel the same way.

[Jeesum Crowe]: Labelling isn't about laughing about it, KoRnKID. See, this is the problem. You, yourself, have stereotyped those who label. You think it's all about going "Oh, hey, that kids so emo. Hah! He's dumb." or "Oh, hey, that kids so goth. He's such a fuck-up." But it's not about that at all. Goths labelled themselves, they called themselves goths so they could be discerned from the general public. Punks called themselves punks so you would know they weren't part of the establishment. Emos called themselves emo because it's abbreviated 'emotional.' No body went up to a punk and said 'Hey we're gonna call you punk and say you do this shit." Punks went to the public and said--

[Jeesum Crowe]: "Hey, we're punk, and we're gonna do some shit to prove our point."

[2000HRS]: You got me all wrong. First of all, believe me no one likes to be alone, you might not know it, yet. My response: you did not even read the last post i've made with care. It is not the reason why i hate labels. Those what you've said are the consequences of the labels. Plus, it's not laughing about it. What I've said is "we do not need to laugh at people who are in depression" which also means teasing if you want every details. I'm sorry if you were so excited about insulting me without finished reading the whole thing, which I mean understanding it. By the way, I know what does emo stands for. That's why I've said things about emotions or feelings.

[Jeesum Crowe]: Dude, first off, I read the last post, and it's not my fault if you didn't come across correctly. Second, I didn't set out to insult you, third, that's what I was pointing out, teasing, fourth, I know no one likes to be alone, that's why no one is alone unless by own fault.

[2000HRS]: Hmm.. how about some people who are alone just because of fucking labels? And yeah.. I didn't say you didn't read my last post. I said you didn't even read the last post I've made with care. And I believe you've done it again." You, yourself, have stereotyped those who label."<< how do you describe that? Complement?

[Jeesum Crowe]: It's not a compliment, nor an insult, it's a statement. Statements aren't opinions. And no one's alone because of a label, people make themselves alone. If they just shrink back and let everyone judge them, then they're going to be alone. But if they treat it right and act right they can be just like anyone else, believe me.

[2000HRS]: Make themselves alone? You mean isolating yourself? Have you? Have anyone done it? No, I don't think so. Or maybe because you've never been alone. Treat right? Act right? You mean acting like everyone else? Where's indivuality? How can you treat someone right when they aren't treating you right? Any proof for your words? I know I have mine.

[Jeesum Crowe]: When people make fun of you at first you tend to gain a level of spite or disgust, and when you think everyone's doing it you gravitate toward being alone. And then you blame it on them but it's not their fault that you chose to walk off and sit in the corner and mope about it. If you just overcame what they were saying, showed them who you really are maybe they'd change their mind about you. And yes, I have proof, it happened to me, and it happened to a friend of mine. And now we've BOTH got a ton of friends (including each other.)

[2000HRS]: Maybe because people like me are stubborn to change ourselves. I mean, if you've changed yourself... it means you've killed your soul. Bite me, I do believe in spiritual shit. You might be alive in appearance.. but you aren't inside. You've killed what you're inside. The most important part of a person. I pity you.

[Jeesum Crowe]: I didn't change myself, KoRnKID, so don't assume that I did. I act like me I am me. It's when you're alone without wanting it, moping because you don't think people will stop making fun of you when you don't show them who you REALLY are and they keep doing it. And that's your fault. That's not being yourself.

[2000HRS]: I don't want to argue about this. It's not worth it and I've got lots of shits going on right now that I can't stand.

[Jeesum Crowe]: Mhm

[+Populace In Two+]: Kick ass.

[2000HRS]: what kick ass?

[2000HRS]: Just to let everyone know that I've another wiki page named Within. Go check it out.

[Lost_soul_of BrandonLee2]: Hey everybody.

[2000HRS]: uh hi.

[Devil Doll]: hey ya'll i have a contest that needs to be judged so please be a judge! (<poll:43069> JUDGE IT PLEASE!!!!)

[muffins??]: randumly adds my name

[2000HRS]: It's about kiss? I wouldn't know that unless I've kissed them haha.

[goodnight tonight goodbye]: whoa these are some long ass comments

[2000HRS]: lol.. yeah. Arguements.

[jenniferGENUINE]: it wont let me join on the other page so im writing in here! LABLES SUCK! I FUKING HATE THEM!

[Princess Carwash]: someone called me a prep today and im not to happy! why do people have to judge anyway!

[Lost_soul_of BrandonLee2]: Eh pink people judge because they have nothing better to do don't let it get to you ^_^

[2000HRS]: I think cause they have nothing better to do.

[Lost_soul_of BrandonLee2]: Indeed [2000HRS] Indeed

[ill be your number 1 with a bullet]: thats what i have been saying for a long time people who judge are just people who put themselves higher than everyone when in fact they aren't

[2000HRS]: With jealousy.

[ill be your number 1 with a bullet]: exactly the word i was looking for

[trance faerie]: ...a great time to randomly jump in....

[2000HRS]: why not.

[Kayla {doesnt deserve}]: i hate people who label me itz soo annoying

[ill be your number 1 with a bullet]: same here peolple who label are asshole and are just insecure about themselves and take it out on others

[TheEvilHat]: lol, thats not true, their just seeing if your insecure about yourself :P and if you Are insecure about yourself, you'll get all offended and angry. See Their Trying To Make You Mad, Dont Let Them. Its just a matter of being smarter than what or who your dealing with.

[TheEvilHat]: quite simple really

[TheEvilHat]: eathier that or they dissagree with your religion and just dont like the whole idea because they know absolutly nothing about your religion, Those kind of people should just find a book and learn about things before they go judgeing other people

[TheEvilHat]: There's alot of really Stupid people in this world, and we all have to deal with them on a daily basis, so its best to just accept and ignore.

[VorpalBlade910]: anyone know the mofia's colors?

[Dang]: i hate when people label me

[2000HRS]: well yeah me too.

[KryingAcidTears]: labels suck

[• Juggalette15 •]: sup people?!

[2000HRS]: sky.

[• Juggalette15 •]: i didnt say "whats up" i said sup.. DUH!

[2000HRS]: same thing.

[• Juggalette15 •]: mmm.. no

[2000HRS]: Well you won, happy?

[TheEvilHat]: die?

[Whisper Sweet Nothings]: You hate walt disney? ::giggles:: They pay for my clothing- therefore i <3 them

[2000HRS]: Yes I do. Why, you ask? Disney pretty much brainwash all the kids with the modern stereotypes. I mean, if a person is ugly... then the person is bad. If the person is handsome or beautiful then he/she is a good one.

[Giganto Coconuts]: OMG..that's soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo true.

[DrunkWithDeath]: Dude....What the fuck?

[DrunkWithDeath]: Okay, most everything that you say you hate, all condradict eachother, Walt Disney = Bashing individuality, Stereotypes = posers. You're the fucking idiot. And this is a retarded cunt sucking wiki too. Fuck you people. All that gay little gatherings like this prove is that you have no name. What do you think you are then?

[DrunkWithDeath]: Do you think you're just an individual? That you've done everything noone else has done before? No. I assure you, everything that you've EVER done in your life, someone else has done as well.

[DrunkWithDeath]: So, suck my cock. WEE!

[Giganto Coconuts]: I WILL!

[2000HRS]: lol.. that was the funniest thing I've heard in my life. Walt Disney labels people. They don't bash individuality. They bash the ugly ones. Simple as that. Stereotype=posers? That's the worst assumption that I've heard in my life. Perhaps you should look up "stereotype" in the dictionary. While you're there... also look up for archetype. That's what Walt Disney uses, archetype.

[TheEvilHat]: and again, die?

[Waste of time]: hey, i have a question....are there any banners for this wiki...?

[Sweetheart, you're a fucking trainwreck.]: hey can you be so kind as to let me join this? please let me know when you add me...

[2000HRS]: add yourself people. I've abandoned this site. Go nuts.

[Sweetheart, you're a fucking trainwreck.]: well then whats the password?

[╔╬╝]: ...uh... Walt Disney...?

[Nekko fox]: My curiousity compels me to inquire; If people hate being labeled something, why must they wear the tag? It's more than a little confusing, and just as much contradictory. Even more annoying still is the fact that many people fail to realize what their 'label' means. It's more than disgusting. Just like the people who say "I'm not 'goth'" when in fact they fail to realize what "goth" honestly is! Personally, and this is only my opinion, this wiki-page is a waste of cyberspace. Congratulations for abandoning it, it was the wisest decision I have seen a person make this week.

[Ω♥broken heart slayer♥Ω]: my day was pretty sucky... but a wiki i found cheered me up... bob's diner...

[Vault 101]: But without labels, you wont know the soup you're buying... Of if it even is soup :O

[LinkTurrner]: walt diney?

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